
How to login

General guidelines

  • There are two ways to login to Laurea Finna: Haka login for Laurea staff & students and Library card login for all users.
  • Logged in users can renew and see their loans, make requests and pay overdue fines online.
  • Haka logged in users will get more search results in Laurea Finna article search than others when outside Laurea's network.

Laurea staff & students (Haka login)

First time login and connecting the library card

  1. Click Login on the top of the page
  2. Choose Haka Login
  3. Enter your Laurea username (student number) and password
  4. Type your library card number and PIN code. Click Save
  5. If you don't know your PIN code, create a new one
  6. When the library card has been connected, you can access your library account without typing the library card number and PIN code again

Other customers (library card login)

  1. Click Login on the top of the page
  2. Type your library card number and your PIN code
  3. Click Login
  4. If you don't know your PIN code, create a new one

Account expiration

  • Finna account will expire if the user has not logged in within the last 18 months
  • Saved searches and favourite lists will be lost
  • Loans, overdue fines, requests, loaning rights etc. do not cease to exist
  • Finna sends an email regarding to expiration. Login to Finna will restore the account.